6 Solvers
In Radiant, solvers and their methodologies are represented by the Radiant.Solvers
object. Once instantiated, the user can add solvers using
solvers = Solvers()
where sn
is a Radiant.Discrete_Ordinates
objects, defined in the following section. Nonetheless, the user can specify a maximum number of particle generations to produce in coupled particle transport with
6.1 Discrete Ordinates Solvers
A discrete ordinates solver is represented by a Radiant.Discrete_Ordinates
object. Once instantiated, the user associate it with a particle and defined its properties. For example, for 1D transport of photons using the Boltzmann transport equation (BTE), the user could write:
sn = Discrete_Ordinates()
sn.set_particle(photon) # Set particle
sn.set_solver_type("BTE") # Set the solver to be the BTE
sn.set_acceleration("livolant") # Accelerate using Livolant acceleration
sn.set_quadrature("gauss-lobatto",8) # Set a 8-points Gauss-Lobatto quadrature
sn.set_legendre_order(7) # Set a Legendre truncation order
sn.set_angular_boltzmann("galerkin") # Apply a Galerkin quadrature method
sn.set_convergence_criterion(4e-7) # Set a convergence criterion
sn.set_maximum_iteration(300) # Set a maximum number of iterations
sn.set_scheme("x","AWD",1) # Set the spatial difference scheme
Another example, for 3D transport of electrons using the Boltzmann Fokker-Planck (BFP) equation, the user could write:
sn = Discrete_Ordinates()
sn.set_particle(electron) # Set particle
sn.set_solver_type("BFP") # Set the solver to be the BFP
sn.set_acceleration("livolant") # Accelerate using Livolant acceleration
sn.set_quadrature("lebedev",8) # Set a Lebedev quadrature
sn.set_legendre_order(15) # Set a Legendre truncation order
sn.set_angular_boltzmann("galerkin") # Apply a Galerkin quadrature method
sn.set_angular_fokker_planck("finite-difference") # Set angular Fokker-Planck scheme
sn.set_convergence_criterion(4e-7) # Set a convergence criterion
sn.set_maximum_iteration(300) # Set a maximum number of iterations
sn.set_scheme("E","DG",2) # Set the spatial difference scheme
sn.set_scheme("x","DD",1) # Set the spatial difference scheme
sn.set_scheme("y","DD",1) # Set the spatial difference scheme
sn.set_scheme("z","DD",1) # Set the spatial difference scheme
6.2 Other Kind of Solvers
At the moment, Radiant only treat discrete ordinates solvers.