5 Geometry
A geometry in Radiant is represented by the Radiant.Geometry
object. Once instantiated, its properties can be configured, and calculation can be done to prepare for transport calculations.
5.1 Cartesian geometries
Radiant provides the capabilities to produce heterogenous medium in Cartesian geometries. For 1D Cartesian geometry, only the axis x
is defined, for 2D Cartesian geometry, only the axis x
and y
, and in 3D Cartesian geometry, the axis x
, y
and z
are to be defined. Let's examine how to build a geometry object. The first step is to instantiate the Radiant.Geometry
object, set the type of the geometry (Cartesian) and its dimension:
geo = Geometry()
Then, the geometry has to be divided in regions, such as each region can be associated with a material. For exemle, in 1D geometry, a Al-Au-Al slab can be described as
geo.set_number_of_regions("x",3) # Set the number of regions along x
geo.set_region_boundaries("x",[0.0,0.2,0.4,0.6]) # Set the region boundaries.
geo.set_voxels_per_region("x",[20,20,20]) # Set the number of voxels per regions
geo.set_boundary_conditions("x-","void") # Set the x- boundary condition
geo.set_boundary_conditions("x+","void") # Set the x+ boundary condition
geo.set_material_per_region([al,au,al]) # Set the material in each region
Finally, the geometry component can be prepared for the further transport calculations using
5.2 Other Kind of Geometries
At the moment, Radiant only treat 1D, 2D and 3D Cartesian geometries.