Quick Start

There are many ways to install Radiant on your computer.


Before installing the Radiant package, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  1. Julia: Make sure Julia (> 1.6.7) is installed on your system. You can download it from the official Julia website.

Installation from Julia's Package Manager

This installation method is recommended for users of Radiant.

Step 1: Open Julia REPL

First, open Julia REPL interactive session by launching Julia from a terminal or command prompt typing

> julia

in it.

Step 2: Add Radiant

To add your package from the Julia prompt, you can either use

julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("Radiant")


julia> ]
pkg> add Radiant

Step 3: Use Radiant

After installation, you can start using the Radiant package by including it in your project by adding the

using Radiant

line in the project's code.

Installation from Github repository

This installation method is recommended for developers of Radiant.

Step 1: Create a Local Repository

Create a new local repository, in which the development of new feature for Radiant will take place. Then, open the terminal or command prompt in that repository.

Step 2: Clone the Radiant Github Repository

Clone the Radiant Github repository to your local machine by running the following command in the terminal or command prompt:

> git clone https://github.com/CBienvenue/Radiant.jl.git

Step 3: Install the Radiant Package

Open Julia REPL interactive session by launching Julia from a terminal or command prompt typing

> julia

in it. Create a new environment in the project directory using

julia> ]
pkg> activate .

This creates a new environment in the current directory and switch to it. Your local package and its dependencies will be managed separately from the global environment. Then, navigate to the package directory by running the following command in the terminal or command prompt:

julia> cd("Radiant.jl")

In the Julia REPL, run

pkg> dev .
pkg> instantiate

This command tells Julia to develop the package located in the current directory. The dev command sets up the package for development, including adding it to your Julia environment. Then, the instantiate command is used to resolve and install any dependencies.

Step 4: Using the Local Radiant Package

After setting up the package, you can start using it by including it in your project with the using keyword:

using Radiant