— TypeAuger
Structure used to define parameters for production of multigroup annihilation cross-sections.
Mandatory field(s)
- N/A
Optional field(s) - with default values
ηmin::Float64 = 0.001
: minimum probability of the production of specific Auger electrons following electron cascades.interaction_types::Dict{Tuple{DataType,DataType},Vector{String}} = Dict((Photon,Electron) => ["P"],(Electron,Electron) => ["P"],(Positron,Electron) => ["P"])
: Dictionary of the interaction processes types, of the form (incident particle,outgoing particle) => associated list of interaction type, which values correspond:(Photon,Electron) => ["P"]
: production of Auger electron following incident photon ionization of subshells (by photoelectric effect).(Electron,Electron) => ["P"]
: production of Auger electron following incident electrons ionization of subshells (by Møller interaction).(Positron,Electron) => ["P"]
: production of Auger electron following incident positrons ionization of subshells (by Bhabha interaction).
— Methodset_interaction_types(this::Auger,interaction_types::Dict{Tuple{DataType,DataType},Vector{String}})
To define the interaction types for Auger processes.
Input Argument(s)
: Auger structure.interaction_types::Dict{Tuple{DataType,DataType},Vector{String}}
: Dictionary of the interaction processes types, of the form (incident particle,outgoing particle) => associated list of interaction type, which can be:(Photon,Electron) => ["P"]
: production of Auger electron following incident photon ionization of subshells (by photoelectric effect).(Electron,Electron) => ["P"]
: production of Auger electron following incident electrons ionization of subshells (by Møller interaction).(Positron,Electron) => ["P"]
: production of Auger electron following incident positrons ionization of subshells (by Bhabha interaction).
Output Argument(s)
julia> auger = Auger()
julia> auger.set_interaction_types( Dict((Electron,Electron) => ["P"]) ) # Only cascades following Møller interactions.
— Methodset_minimum_probability(this::Auger,ηmin::Real)
To define the minimum probability of a specific Auger electron production.
Input Argument(s)
: Auger structure.ηmin::Real
: minimum probability of a specific Auger electron production.
Output Argument(s)
julia> auger = Auger()
julia> auger.set_minimum_probability(0.1) # Only Auger electron with probability greater than 10%.